A teddy bear is a completely old-fashioned Christmas gift and yet, it is also completely modern. A stuffed toy to play with, talk with, clothe or play pretend games with is both instructional and reassuring for most youngsters. Stuffed toys do not all look like the conventional teddy bear nowadays. They may be based on any creature, from pet dog, rabbit, or pony to beaver, seal or cow, even legendary animals like unicorns and mermaids. Most youngsters adore teddies or plush toys and if you need to acquire an unexpected gift, an exotic style of soft plush toy (to avoid replication) could be a great hit. Many teen girls also like to possess a soft toy to sit next to their bed or as an decoration in their space.
Listed Price: $12.90
Sale Price: $12.31
GUND is proud to introduce Philbin — one of our most popular character bears in an 12” chocolate colored seated plush toy format. This classic design features cute paw pad accents and a curious ex… Read more…

Melissa & Doug Baby Ferguson Teddy Bear Stuffed Animal

With a polka-dot bow and smiling face, Baby Ferguson is as cheerful as a stuffed animal twice his size . . . but this lovable little guy is compact enough to be carried along on errands or car trips w…
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11″ Ashford Teddy Bear

Aurora World 11″ Ashford Teddy Bear. This soft, cuddly bear comes with a satin bow and Ashford tag sewn on its bottom paw. Aurora World is internationally known as a leading manufacturer of plush.Feat…
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Gund Baby My 1st Teddy Plush, Cream, 15″

GUND knows that it’s never too early to make a lifelong friend. My First Teddy is a soft and huggable 15″ companion that’s always ready for naptime, playtime, and any time in between. Designed with de…
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