Christmas Candy Care Package

Traditional roast turkey and ham for Christmas dinner is not to everyone’s liking, some people prefer fish or a vegan or vegetarian meal, while others prefer to try something new and exciting. Some people may prefer to keep their Christmas dinner very light and plain while others will have large numbers of family and friends to share the meal and some social time afterwards. Cooking a traditional meal means you always know what is on the menu and that can help reduce the stress levels compared with cooking something experimental. Even if you cook your main meal from scratch, it can be useful to get snacks and side dishes to keep ahead of time.
Listed Price: $39.99

Contains the following: 1 Holiday Pez with refills (assorted Christmas/Winter characters), 1 package of Double Crisp coal, 1 Hershey’s Candy Cane bar, 1 package of candy cane Pop Rocks, 1 Palmer solid… Read more…

Ready-Fill Kids Stocking Kit With Holiday Candy, Hersheys Chocolate, Jelly Belly and Christmas Novelty Treats – 70+ Pcs

At least 70 pieces of Hershey and Nestle chocolate, along with holiday Christmas novelty candies such as snowman marshmallows, Santa’s Beard cotton candy, Santa or Penguin gum roll, jelly belly beans …


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Lindt Chocolate Holiday Chocolate Figures Novelty Pack, 7.1 Ounce

Lindt chocolate figures are loved by kids and adults around the world….


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